About Me

Godwin Oluponmile B2B saas writer
Exploring Marketing Technology Trends With Passion

I was 6 when I wrote “The Thief” – my first drama text.

An old notebook archive where I compiled over 1000 poems I started when I clocked 14 would shock you.

I got engrossed with my neighbour’s laptop, which homed myriads of teenage learning software immediately after I clocked 12. That moment launched my curiosity for why “Google” could answer all questions I searched then. I’ve been digging Google since I was a teen – looking for ways to make money since she answered all my questions.

In short, I’m still exploring and enjoying how solving problems converts into profits using technology.

Call Godwin Oluponmile some “MarTech Jerk”. I’m obsessed with that industry.

I Cast Spells With Lines And Content Strategies

You’re lucky because you’re in safe hands. I may only get wicked with those who aren’t aware they should relax from workload.

Jokes apart, let’s both enchant your audience with words, but I will handle the stress; and look out for how much revenue ecalates. That luxury dream, let’s make it real.

I write what sells, and my past works shout it out loud.

B2B SEO-focused Writer and Content Strategist

Godwin Oluponmile builds engaging and research-oriented content from latest statistics and data that’ll crush the competition in your industry. 

Regain lost positions within search results; and attract leads that will pay money

Copywriting 75%
Search Engine Optimisation 67%
Content Strategy 82%
Content Distribution 92%
Godwin did excellent writing and optimization on my website. He increased how my searches performed drastically. We worked together for some couple of weeks and it was one of my best experiences with content distribution.